Opening of the second exhibition “Life of the Applied” dedicated to LABINAC in Naples
It is with great pleasure that Fonderia Nolana Del Giudice together with LABINAC announce the opening of the second exhibition entirely dedicated to LABINAC in Naples, in Via Crispi 69, on 4 July 2022, from 16:00 to 20:00, titled
Life of the Applied
with designs by Maria Thereza Alves, Jimmie Durham, Rosaria Iazzetta, Jone Kvie, Philipp Modersohn, Alessandro Piromallo, Víctor Santamarina and Elisa Strinna.
From the very beginning our intention for LABINAC in Naples has been to create a place where objects become free of conceived singularities, through experimentation, new artistic production, as well as encounters and activities in the city. The space is ever evolving, as ever evolving as the objects that live within in it.
For this second show, LABINAC continues to investigate the boundless possibilities of materials and does so with the participation of two new artists: Rosaria Iazzetta and Víctor Santamarina.
For further information please refer to our pressrelease in English and Italian.