LABINAC begins on 23rd of November
LABINAC opens Premiere Presentation of Designs // LABINAC designs on view for the first time.
On the 23rd of November more than 100 people attended the opening of LABINAC’s premiere presentation of designs.
Over 70 designs were on view. Besides vases, tables, chairs, benches, chandeliers and jewelry exclusively designed by Maria Thereza Alves and Jimmie Durham for LABINAC, furniture and jewelry by Elisa Strinna from Italy, Jone Kvie from Norway and Bev Koski from Thunder Bay, Canada are displayed. For the first time on view in Europe are also hand-woven bags-necklaces by Maria Rosilene Silva Pinheiro of the Huni Kuin in Acre, which were commissioned especially for LABINAC, and ceramics by Arupo Waura from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, a Wauja master ceramicist, and necklaces by the Kayapo from Mato Grosso and Para in Brazil, who make stunning contemporary use of glass beads.

The showroom can be visited by appointment until the 20th of December. Please contact us at